Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Subject and Object Pronouns

A. Subject Pronouns

The subject pronouns are I, He, She, You, They, We,It. I, He, She, You, They, and We are personal pronouns while It is the pronoun of singular noun). Look at the examples of the use of subject pronouns:

1. I am a teacher.
2. She works in a bank.
3. He went to jakarta last week.
4. You must be here.
5. They are sleeping.
6. We are happy.
7. It is a book.

B. Object Pronouns

In English The forms of pronoun in the object position are different from those in the subject position except You which is still the same. The object pronouns are: me (for the subject I), him (for the subject He) , her (for the subject She), you (for the subject You), them (for the subject They), us (for the subject We) , it (for the subject it).. Look at the comparison between subject pronouns and object pronouns below:

1. I met him. (subject = I)
...He met me. (object = me)

2. He met me. (Subject = He)
...I met him. (object = him}

3. She met them. {subject = She)
...They met her (object = her}

4. You met them. (subject = You)
...They met you (object = you)

5. They met me. (Subject = They)
...I met them. (object = them)

6. We met them. (subject = We)
...They met us. (object = us)

7. It is my book. (subject = It)
... I read it. (object = it)

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