"Is" and "was" are to be which are used with the subjects "She", "he", "it", "that", "singular noun" ( such as my mother, his father, my book, and so on), and "uncountable noun" (such as milk, water, money etc.). Bothe of them are used in the sentence which does not verb. The difference between "is" and "was" is in the tense. "Is" is used in present tense and "was" is use in past tense. The pattern "Is he..." or "Was he..." is used in yes no questions. Look at the examples below:
1.A. He is at home. (+) (present)
1.B. He is not at home.(-) (present)
1.c. Is he at home? (?) (present)
2.A. He was at home last night. (+) (past)
2.B. He was not at home. (-) (past)
2.C. was he at home last night? (?) (past)
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