Sunday, June 1, 2008

Online English courses: - The answer Key of the exercises " Rewrite and Correct The Following sentences".

Rewrite and Correct The Following sentences.
(--> )the sign of correction (the Correct Answer)

1. My uncle work in a big office.
--> My uncle works in a big office.

2.That people are the students of Ahmad Dahlan University.
--> Those people are the students of Ahmad Dahlan University.

3. Water are important for our life.
--> Water is important for our life.

4. Was he play badminton three days ago?
--> Did he play badminton three days ago?

5. Umar always takes her wife to the market before he goes to his office.
--> Umar always takes his wife to the market before he goes to his office.

6. Each students of Ahmad Dahlan University must attend the general lecture.
--> Each student of Ahmad Dahlan University must attend the general lecture.

7. My father and me went to Canada two weeks ago.
--> My father and I went to Canada two weeks ago.

8. I came here together with, Andy, John, and she.
--> I came here together with, Andy, John, and her.

9. Does he see several plays when he was in New York?
--> Did he see several plays when he was in New York?

10. One of these very good English books are very expensive.
--> One of these very good English books is very expensive.

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