Saturday, August 2, 2008

The answer key of the exercises on Yes/No Question using "am", "is" or "are"

Translate the following Indonesian yes/no questions into English using am, is, or are .

1. Apakah Sally seorang perawat?
--> Is Sally a nurse?

2. Apakah saya tua?
--> Am I old?

3. Apakah John di kantornya tiap pagi?
--> Is John in his office every morning?

4. Apakah Ibumu sakit?
--> Is your mother sick?

5. Apakah mereka lapar sekarang?
--> Are they hungry now?

6. Apakah Dia (laki laki) temanmu?
--> Is he your friend?

7. Apakah buku ini mahal?
-- > Is this book expensive?

8. Apakah mereka di kamarmu sekarang?
--> Are they in your room now?

This is the answer key of the exercise here.


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