Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Online English Courses : - Double Comparatives ( the +comparative, the + comparative) (semakin…… semakin…….)

This series of Online English Courses discusses the topic Double Comparative (The comparative the comparative):

A. The comparative the comparative

A : ‘What time shall we leave?’
B : ‘The sooner the better.’ ('semakin cepat semakin baik')

A : ‘What size box do you want?’
B : ‘The bigger the better. (semakin besar semakin baik)

Other Examples:
The warmer the weather, the better I feel.
The more expensive the hotel, the better the service.

B. The comparative + S + V, the comparative + S + V

The earlier we leave, the sooner we will arrive.

--> (semakin cepat kita berangkat, semakin cepat kita sampai/tiba)

The more electricity you use, the higher your bill will be.

--> (semakin banyak listrik kamu gunakan, akan semakin tinggi rekeningmu)

• The more you have, the more you want.

( semakin banyak yang kau punya, semakin banyak yang kau inginkan)

The longer he waited, the more impatient he became.
(semakin lama dia menunggu, menjadi semakin tidak sabar dia)

- Translate into English

01. Semakin dalam kamu jatuh cinta, semakin gilalah kamu.
02. Semakin kaya seseorang, semakin mudah dia mendapatkan sesuatu.
03. Semakin keras kamu bekerja, semakan banyak uang kamu dapat.
04. Semakin giat kamu belajar, akan semakin pandailah kamu.

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